** SELECT TYPE OF REPORT LISTING ** Page 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This screen allows you to (1) select one of four report types, (2) specify one of three output devices for the report, (3) decide whether to list all of the movies or just some of the movies in your file, and (4) decide how you want your report sorted. 1. Report Type: A. Tape labels Prints labels for VCR cassette tapes. Five choices for type of label. 1. Regular 2. VHS Top 3. VHS Spine 4. BETA Top 5. BETA SPINE. See Appendix A B. Small Report Prints out a formatted report to the screen, printer or a disk text file. The report contains the follow- ing data fields: Title, Star, Category, Year, Rating, Tape#, Starting counter #, and Time. C. Large Report Prints a formatted report to the printer or a disk text file. The report contains the following data fields: Title, Star, Co-star, Cast, Director, Cat- egory, Year, Rating, Tape#, Starting counter #, Time and Recording Speed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** SELECT TYPE OF REPORT LISTING ** cont Page 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D. Custom Report You design this report. You will select from another screen the fields and the length of the fields you want included in your report. 2. List To: A. Screen The report will be listed on your monitor screen. The large report and tape labels can not be listed to the screen. B. Printer The report will be listed to your printer. All reports can be listed to your printer. C. Text File If you select this item, you will be prompted for a file name to store the listing on a disk file. All reports except tape labels can be listed to a text file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** SELECT TYPE OF REPORT LISTING ** cont Page 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. List: A. All Movies All movies in your library file will be listed to the output device previously selected. B. Some Movies Only those movies that meet the selection criteria you specify later on the MOVIE SELECTOR screen ( page ..) will be listed to the output device selected. 4. Sort By: A. Title Report will be listed sorted alphabetically by title. B. Star Report will be listed sorted alphabetically by the star's last names. C. Co-Star Report will be listed sorted alphabetically by the co-star's last names. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** SELECT TYPE OF REPORT LISTING ** cont Page 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D. Director Report will be listed sorted alphabetically by the director's last names. E. Tape # Reported will be listed sorted alpha-numerically by tape number. *** Notes *** 1. If you select (A) Tape labels for report type, you will only be allowed to select (B) Printer for list to and (E) Tape # for sort by. 2. The Large Report cannot be listed to the screen. 3. Your selection for Sort By may be overridden if you have selected (B) List Some Movies. If you selected List Some Movies, you will go to the MOVIE SELECTOR screen after completing the current screen. If one of the fields you list to search on is a key field (ie title, star, co- star, director or tape#), the first key field you list will become the default Sort By selection. By doing this, the search of the library file is rapidly speeded up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** SELECT TYPE OF REPORT LISTING ** cont Page 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KEY FUNCTION COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E Edit Allows you to edit the selections you previous- ly entered. C Continue After you completed your selections this key allows you to have your report listed or will take you to the next screen if required. Q Quite This key will return you to the main screen. H Help Displays these help screens. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------